BOTOX Practitioner IQ Test

training & educational resources Jan 08, 2017
a patient has Botox treatment

Ready to test your Botox knowledge? Simply take our free online Botox IQ Quiz below.

Please answer each question without looking up the answers - including on Google! Our Level 1 and Level 2 graduates have learned the foundations to be able to answer these questions correctly. We have found that typically only 1 in 50 practitioners who have taken another Botox course can confidently answer the questions correctly. If you're interested in reviewing your results with one of our Faculty members, simply complete the form and we will get in touch.



 Your Information

This Botox IQ test was designed by Drs. Roberts to help practitioners gauge their level of training in the field of botulinum toxin. If you didn't get many answers right, we recommend that you register online Level 1 course. We have found that most botulinum toxin providers have not invested in anatomy-based training. The Level 1 course has been designed to help practitioners around the world establish a foundation in anatomy (16+ hours), prior to preceding to any hands-on and injection training (24+ hours) in the Level 2 course. Having a solid anatomy foundation allows practitioners like you to achieve predictable results, provide a high level of patient care and achieve clinical competency and proficiency. If you have any questions, please comment below by leaving a reply, or contact us at 1-855-681-0066.


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